Here I am, writing my first blog for my brand new website. It feels surreal though. A month ago I was sitting at my desk at the office arranging all details about an important event coming up. Two days after that event.. I jumped. I jumped into the unknown, with fears, but with a high sense of determination to start writing a new chapter of my career. From that moment on, everything changed. Doors opened that I thought were closed, I met wonderful people on the same path ‘coincidentally’ and I received positive feedback from the most unexpected sources. One of the many unexpected twists and turns was meeting the American bestselling author, speaker, and life coach Valorie Burton in Curaçao. Timing is everything, they say…..
Just a couple of days after my resignation, I received an invitation from Yithza Davelaar to not only be present at the presentation of Burton at the Central Bank, but to also be part of a private breakfast meeting she arranged especially for her at Santa Barbara Resort. As a total fanatic of Burton’s motivational books, this opportunity fitted me perfectly.
We started March 8, 2019, International Women’s Day (not a coincidence, right?), with a bang. Fifteen ladies had been invited for a breakfast meeting with Valorie Burton. It took us less than 30 minutes to introduce ourselves and to start asking Valorie powerful questions for a happy life. It felt so natural having her at our table. The vibe was relaxed and with a very friendly attitude she answered all the questions. One of the most inspiring stories at this meeting was her honesty and realness about her love life. She talked about the hard times she experienced during her divorce, her dream of motherhood and marrying Jeff, a high school friend who saw her book ‘Successful Women Think Differently’ at an airport bookstore. Her message for us was that we have to be thankful for hardships. Hardships are a devotion to help you see the difficulties as important milestones on your life's path. This was just an introduction for her presentation that evening.
For Yithza Davelaar and her team of Islandessa Foundation, the presentation of Valorie Burton in Curaçao represents so much more than just a motivational one. Burton is also the founder of the Coaching and Positive Psychology Institute (CaPP) and it’s this part that makes her presence on the island even more interesting. The foundation is working to implement positive psychology in our local schools. This requires a rethinking of our concept of education, considering happiness within the objectives of the educational plan, and introducing changes in the school organization and teaching methods. Positive psychology advocates the use of personal strengths to achieve higher levels of well-being. Our students need to be aware of their potential so they can learn to use their strengths, which act as a vehicle for personal and professional success.
That evening more than 250 guests were blown away by Burton’s positive attitude. She focused on several inspiring themes, but the most popular one was definitely how to live purposefully. Everyone has his own mission in life; everyone must carry out a concrete assignment that demands fulfillment.
To start where you are is to appreciate your current circumstances right now.
It was a powerful event organized for the first time by Islandessa Foundation and sponsors.
Yithza and crew, pabien! Can’t wait for the next event!